Florida Attorneys Providing Help With Probation Violations

Probation violations can be a hassle to deal with and can set you back when you are trying to rejoin society. As such, it is important to get legal assistance to passionately defend your freedom in court.

Licensed to practice in the state of Florida, Thomas G. Fallis, P.A., provides legal defense services for clients being charged with violating their probation. We have a reputation in the legal community for passionately advocating on our client's behalf no matter what criminal charge they're up against.

What You Need To Know For Probation Violations

In the state of Florida, the court can impose any penalty that was originally sentenced for violators of probation. That means if you were sentenced 180 days in jail (the maximum statutory penalty for a first DUI offense) before your probation, you could be sentenced 180 days in jail for violating your probation.

In addition, probation violations are based on whether the violation was willful and substantial, so it is important to gather the necessary evidence to prove that the offense was not willful or substantial enough to warrant a conviction.

At the Jacksonville law firm of Thomas G. Fallis, P.A., our criminal defense attorneys can work directly with you to determine the facts of the case and defend you in court.

What Are Probation Violations?

Some common probation violations include:

  • New offenses or law violations
  • Positive drug tests
  • Failure to complete drug treatment programs
  • Failure to pay financial obligations
  • Acts resulting from mental illness or negligence/ineptitude
  • Missed appointments or reports

Unlike criminal trials, hearsay is generally admissible in probation violation proceedings. It is important to investigate all the details of the incident to ensure the facts of the case are understood, and our attorneys pride themselves on thorough investigation to build a strong case.

What Can Thomas G. Fallis, P.A., Do For You?

We can interview witnesses and gather essential documents to support your case and present it convincingly in the courtroom. We will aggressively advocate on your behalf, making sure your side of the story gets told and that your rights are protected to the fullest extent. We will make sure justice gets served.

If you are facing a violation of your probation, send us a message or call us right away to get passionate legal defense in court. Call 904-356-6440 to schedule a free initial consultation at our Jacksonville office.